Whether you stumbled upon this by accident or you purposely came here, I'd like to thank you. Judgment can and will be passed here, you'll probably read some things that make you laugh, cry, piss you off, or down right blow your mind. Clearly you don't know me, but know this, I keep my opinion and my mouth shut on most shit buttt I've been pretty fed up as of lately. We will dive into that later on! A little about me not to information much will be shared. Age? I don't have one. Place of birth? Earth, Colorado, Denver. And that does it. Told you shit wasn't going to be in-depth when it comes to me giving up info about myself! I would say I'm fairly private in a sense unless you truly know me which is a hand full of people maybe like a legit 5 persons. Well until tomorrow or next week sometime in the mean time I'll be thinking of content to share with you all! Oh and just because I have muscles doesn't mean I don't have a heart or a sound...
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